Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I just don't know what to do.

Cooper enjoys preschool but I don't like some of the stuff he learns there.

Yesterday was his Christmas party at school and he came home with a bunch of toys and books that are supposedly from the teacher - from the grant the preschool got.  I feel that if the preschool has money to spend then they should spend it on the items for the preschool - not on books and toys for the kids to take home.  They are always needing things for the classroom and dollaring the parents to death.  It irrates me.  Plus one of the books that Cooper brought home I do not like at all.  Both books are very commercial books and do not teach Cooper anything.  One is a very expensive Toy Story book and the other is Iron Man.  I wouldn't normally buy Cooper anything as violent as Iron Man and he hadn't watched the movie because I feel that it is too old for him.  He is only 4.  Most reviews of the movies say 8+ and more so for preteens and younger teens.  I would much prefer him to have a teaching book where he can actually learn something productive.

And not only that he is picking up behaviors at school that I have not seen in him before- such as the get angry and quit after he can't figure it out after only a couple of minutes.  He used to be the kid that would try at something for a long time.

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